Tuesday, June 5, 2012

End Mountaintop Removal Week: Stop Blowing Up Appalachia!

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End Mountaintop Removal Week: Stop Blowing Up Appalachia!

Tell the House to End Mountaintop-Removal Mining!

Every day 2.5 million pounds of explosives are detonated in Appalachia to blow up mountains to access cheap coal. Mountaintop removal has already destroyed more than 500 peaks in one of the oldest and most biologically diverse mountain ranges on Earth.

Mountaintop removal kills endangered species, permanently pollutes streams and has been linked to cancer and birth defects in people. More than 1.4 million acres of hardwood forests and 2,000 miles of streams have been lost. We need to stop blowing up Appalachia.

"The Last Mountain" - Official Trailer
The fight for the last great mountain in America's Appalachian heartland pits the mining giant that wants to explode it to extract the coal within, against the community fighting to preserve the mountain and build a wind farm on its ridges instead. THE LAST MOUNTAIN highlights a battle for the future of energy that affects us all.

You can help by demanding that Congress take action to end mountaintop-removal coal mining. The Clean Water Protection Act, a bill now in the House of Representatives, will sharply curtail mountaintop removal.

Tell the House to End Mountaintop-Removal Mining!

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